
We use typography to communicate as effectively as possible. Proper use of our type system will help to establish clear informational hierarchy, organize information, and guide our audiences through our content.


Aptar’s Font Stack

Aptar uses three distinct typefaces across the website: Utopia Std, Forma DJR Display, and Helvetica Neue.


Utopia is a transitional serif typeface used in headings and pull quotes throughout the Aptar website.


Forma DJR Display

Forma is a sans-serif typeface inspired by Helvetica but with an added geometric touch. Aptar uses Forma primarily in section headings and headlines.


Helvetica Neue

Helvetica Neue is a reworking of the original Helvetica typeface designed to improve legibility. Aptar uses Helvetica Neue in paragraph copy.


Brand Typography

Aptar has established a clear and logical typographic hierarchy that is designed to enable clear communication and guide users through our site content. Our type system factors in font selection, scale, weight, color, and alignment.

Title Preview

Heading 1


Heading 2


Heading 3


Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6
Paragraph Paragraph
Legal Text Legal Text


Typographic Hierarchy

Typographic hierarchy is all about how we organize content in order to help readers find information most relevant to them. Practically speaking, we can start to establish hierarchy by properly using headings to introduce and differentiate content.

Our type system is organized into 6 heading styles, 3 paragraph styles, and a specific style for pull quotes. While each of these styles have a purpose, hierarchy is best established through the use of headlines. As a best practice, we recommend using headings in the following ways:

Heading 1 (H1)

H1’s are our primary and most dominant heading. This heading is intended to be used for page titles and should only ever be used once per page. Using H1 text helps us to immediately establish context for the page.

Heading 2 (H2)

H2’s are our second most dominant heading. These headings are intended to be used to organize page content in a logical way. H2’s help readers efficiently find the content most relevant to them.

Heading 3 and 4 (H3/H4)

H3’s and H4’s are our third and fourth most dominant headings respectively. These headings allow us to drill down further in content organization, breaking up larger sections within a parent section into smaller ones. Once we get to level 3 and 4 headings, the Aptar type system has two available styles: serif and sans-serif.


Font Licensing

Aptar.com uses the following font subscription services. Please reach out to Katie Reardon for more information about font usage and pricing.

MyFonts Subscription

Aptar’s MyFonts subscription covers the following fonts:

  • Neue Helvetica Pro 55 Roman​
  • Neue Helvetica Pro 56 Italic​
  • Neue Helvetica Pro 65 Medium​
  • Neue Helvetica Pro 66 Medium Italic​
  • Neue Helvetica Pro 75 Bold​
  • Neue Helvetica Pro 76 Bold Italic ​

Adobe TypeKit Subscription

Aptar’s Adobe TypeKit subscription covers the following fonts:

  • Forma DJR Display – Medium, Bold
  • Utopia STD Display – Bold, Semibold, Italic
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