Analytics Tools uses a few third-party tools to track metrics and user behavior.



Before Getting Started…

Before you begin reporting on’s metrics, it’s important to account for:

  1. Cookie Consent — Because uses a cookie manager, users are able to accept all, some or none of the tracking tools on the site. If a user decides not to allow cookies, their information will not be captured in these tools. ​
  2. Previous data — Because the new website launched in September 2020, the Google Analytics data is not captured within the same GA account. Historical data can still be accessed, but not within the same account as the present data.
  3. Your site views count — Unless you have clicked not to track cookies, your data is being captured as well in analytics. Because of GDPR considerations, we cannot exclude Aptar computers specifically from being tracked.


Tracking Tools

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a quantitative tool used for tracking general, site-wide traffic, location, device type, clicks, pageviews, etc. By default, it tracks data at a site-wide level, not by market. If you’d like to segment reports by market, you can upload one of the following report templates:



HotJar is a qualitative tool used for the tracking of specific user behaviors. It should be used to validate or better understand certain hypotheses. With HotJar, you can create heatmaps, page recordings, form flows, etc.



Algolia is a quantitative tool used specifically for Algolia-related metrics. It can be used to understand search behavior – such as completed searches, abandoned searches, top filters used, etc.


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